Barbados •21 miles (34 km) long and 14 miles (23 km) across.
•The most eastern island in the Caribbean.
•A legacy of plantations, slavery, sugar, rum, cricket and the Anglican Church.
•Population breakdown: black 90%, white 4%, Asian and mixed 6%.
•Tourists and gigolos on the beach and in the nightclubs.
•Rum shops, foreign owned factories and street corners with men hanging out or "liming," as people say here.
On this tiny island, I chased after plantation owners to get them on camera; fell on my face in the sugar cane fields, generating laughter with the workers; shared meals of flying fish and cornmeal and okra cou cou with local friends; made a film for Planned Parenthood; squirmed as I talked with U.S. AID staff in air conditioned offices; and toyed with permanently becoming an expatriate.